Tuesday 22 October 2013

Reality Comes with Responsibility.

One major theme in The Glass Castle is that in life, reality comes with responsibility and fantasy comes with no responsibility therefore one must be realistic in order to have a stable life. The picture of the car speeding down the road resembles Rex speeding because he thinks he is running away from the FBI, when in reality he is just running away from federal tax collectors. Rex has a tendency to block out reality, and live in fantasy because he thinks it is more adventurous and it just makes life more interesting. And since Rosemary is quite immature, she doesn't think of stopping him, instead she just goes along with it and decides to have fun with it.


  1. i agree with this because i think that rex is always running and he thinks that by running he can just escape his problems and they wuill just magickaly disappear. one day they will all catch up with him.

  2. I like how well you described Rex and his abnormal veiws on life. Gold Stars.

  3. I like what you did with relating your picture to your topic in your blog, I wouldnt change much
